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The ‘Meaning Approach’ To Motivation

The ‘Meaning Approach’ to Motivation

Lately, I've had some intriguing conversations with clients and friends about motivation, and it's become clear that we all have our unique takes on it. But here's the deal – I've adopted Will Leach's motivation framework, and it's a game-changer. I’ve also added one element and I’ll call it the “Meaning Approach.”

Let me break it down. Instead of waiting for motivation to drop from the heavens, we can be the master of our own motivation universe. It's all about finding the incentives that already drive our behaviors and deciding if they're serving us or not. More importantly, it’s about being absolutely certain that the meaning of those incentives resonates for us. And if not, no worries, we can whip up some new incentives to get us where we want to be.

Take, for instance, the classic couch potato. To us "go-getters," they might seem like creatures from another dimension. A loathsome sector of humanity even. But here's a revelation - the couch potato isn't actually unmotivated. They are just highly motivated by different incentives. And yet another twist: those incentives have the same meaning as the incentives that drive us “go-getters.” The couch-potato finds pleasure, control, and relaxation on their comfy couch – just like we do from creation, growth, and success. Maybe, we're all on the same motivational wavelength, just grooving to different tunes. You catch my drift?

The couch potato could be just as motivated, if not more so, than the most action-oriented among us. The magic ingredient here is meaning. It's not just incentives; it's what those incentives mean to us. That's the secret sauce that cranks the intensity of motivation up to 11.

Once we unravel the mystery of motivation and break it down to incentives, we're in control. And you know what? We love control. Take it one step further now. When we add or understand the meaning of those incentives…well now we’re in the territory of rocket fuel.

For example:

“I am motivated to work because I need money.” Money is the incentive, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We all need money to survive and beyond. But when your motivation is low, and you’ve already been working your but off for this incentive of money alone, it’s not exactly a well of inspiration. Here’s what upgrading the incentive with meaning can look like instead:

“To me, money means freedom, accomplishment, security, and reliability for my loved ones. I work for the money, but it’s really the meaning of the money that keeps me going, not just the money itself.” The energy here so much more powerful and purposeful, because it’s tied to deeper meaning.

I work for the money, but it’s really the meaning of the money that keeps me going

It’s really rather simple in practice and you can try it any day of the week. “I’m motivated to do X because of Y incentive..and that incentive means I can’t not try because of how important Z is to me.”

It's time to take the power back and turn motivation from a mystical unicorn into a controllable, tangible force. The next time you're stuck in a motivational rut, ditch the self-flagellation and switch gears. Ask yourself, "What incentives would make my heart race?" Then ask, “why?” It all begins with incentives and then springs to life with meaning. Tweak them and watch your motivation soar.


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