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Self-Management, leadership, Anxiety, Tips Dave O'Connor Self-Management, leadership, Anxiety, Tips Dave O'Connor

Dial It In.

Discover expert tips and strategies to enhance your focus and productivity. Get advice from Hey Coach Dave and start boosting your concentration today.

Get dialed in no matter the scenario by slowing down through biofeedback and expression.

Stressed, sad, anxious, angry, overwhelmed, elated. Every emotion and every moment is an opportunity for a freak out.

Or, to focus on the focus.

Here are three ways to work with what ya got:



Breathe -

1) Breathe.
Take three slow deep breaths in and out.

Breathing becomes even more useful when you practice diaphragmatic breathing. Learn how to do it in 60 seconds here.

On your third breath or after you’re done intentionally breathing ask yourself:

“What is most important to me in this moment? What am I meant to do right now?”

Give yourself a minute to thoughtfully answer that question.

(I recommend closing the eyes during the exercise as long as you’re not driving or operating heavy machinery).



Talk -

2) Talk.
Express yourself without judgement.

Say out loud to yourself or someone you trust:

  • what you are feeling,

  • what you would like to be feeling, and

  • how you can feel it right here and now.

Without judgement, welcome in reactions from yourself or the person you shared this moment with.



Move -

3) Move.
Take a walk, do push-ups, stretch.

Anything repetitive for 3-5 minutes will get you closer to homeostasis.

Reaching homeostasis helps you slow down…from your heart rate to your racing thoughts.

Once you’ve slowed down, you can be better in touch with your body and get out of your head.

Now ask yourself gently, “what’s next?”

Or think back to effective centering techniques that have worked for you in the past or have been modeled to you by someone you trust or admire.

The key to dialing it in is actually not doing any one focusing exercise perfectly, it’s being mindful of the signals your body or mind are giving you that you may need to dial it in. Mindfulness, really.


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